cosplay package


cosplay.cli module


Process arguments and pass them to server.main.


Return argparse argument parser.

cosplay.dump_mem module

From Dave Hylands’ json-ipc/ ( ). Provides the dump_mem function, which dumps memory in hex/ASCII.

cosplay.dump_mem.dump_mem(buf, prefix='', address=0, line_width=16, show_ascii=True, show_addr=True, log=<function print_>)

Dumps out a hex/ASCII representation of the given buffer.


Print string s.

In Python 2, print is not a function. This function makes it possible to use it like one.

cosplay.pkt module

This file is based on Dave Hylands’ json-ipc/ ( ).

class cosplay.pkt.Packet(serial_port, show_packets=False)
ANS_no = 0
ANS_yes = 1
INS_ask_user = 3
INS_check_for_sequences_on_server = 2
INS_send_sequences = 4

Process a single byte. Return an object when one is successfully parsed, otherwise return None.

Parameters:byte (bytes object / bytearray) – Input byte. For MicroPython and Python 3 this should be a bytes object. In Python 2 a bytearray should be used.
Returns:out – Returns object if package is successfully parsed, otherwise returns None.
Return type:2d array / string / int

Try to receive an object.

This function tries to receive an object until time_out. If a byte is received, time_out becomes obsolete and the function times out if no more bytes are received for 1s. Returns None upon time out.

Parameters:time_out (int) – Approximate time in ms until return if no bytes are received. If time_out = 0, the function never times out.
Returns:out – Received object or None in case of time out.
Return type:object

Convert a Python object into its string representation and then send it using the ‘serial_port’ passed in the constructor.

Parameters:obj (list, string or int) – object that is send via ‘serial_port’

Return longitudinal redundancy checksum.

cosplay.serial_port module

Based on Dave Hylands’ json-ipc/ ( This module implements the SerialPort class, which allows the host to talk to another device using a serial like interface over a UART.

class cosplay.serial_port.SerialPort

Bases: object

Implements a PySerial port.


Close serial connection if it is open.

connect_serial(port, baud=115200)

Try to connect to serial port.

This function tries to connect to a serial port named port.

Parameters:port (string) – name of port (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0)
Returns:True if connection could be established, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Check if byte can be read from serial port.


Read a byte from the serial port.

Returns:Value of byte.
Return type:int

Write data to the serial port.

Parameters:data (string / bytearray) – Data to write.

Check all serial ports to see if they are MicroPython devices.

Checks serial ports until it finds a port with matching VID:PID for a MicroPython board.

Returns:Full device name/path. None if no MicroPython device was found.
Return type:string

Check a USB device to see if it looks like a MicroPython device.

Parameters:port ( object) – Port to check.
Returns:True if device connected to ‘port’ looks like a MicroPython device, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

cosplay.server module


Ask user whether sequences on server or microcontroller shall be used.

Returns:True if sequences on server shall be used, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Try to find sequences.

This function returns a list of paths to all files ending with ‘.tsv’ in sequence_arg. Shell-style wildcards can be used. sequences_arg can be directories, files or a mixture of both. Directories are searched non-recursively on the first level. If no sequence_arg is specified, the default location of COSgen is used.

Parameters:sequences_arg (string, optional) – Path to sequence files, can be None.
Returns:List of paths to sequence files. None if no sequences were found.
Return type:list

Establish connection to pyboard.

This function tries to connect to port_name. If port_name is None, tries to connect to the first serial port with a maching VID:PID for the MicroPython Pyboard.

Parameters:port_name (string, optional) – Name of port the microcontroller is connected to. If None, tries to automatically detected port and connect. Default is None.
Returns:port – Port object that is connected. None if no connection could be establish.
Return type:cosplay.serial_port.SerialPort object
cosplay.server.find_current_scan_dir(vendor, storage_root=None)

Find directory of current scan.

This function finds the scan directory with the most recent inode change time of the fid file.

Parameters:vendor (string) – Name of the MRI vendor, currently only Bruker is supported.
Returns:Path to current scan directory.
Return type:string

List all entries in path excluding hidden ones.

This function implements the same functionality as os.listdir but ignores hidden entires.

Parameters:path (string) – Path to directory
Returns:List of all non-hidden entries in the directory.
Return type:list
cosplay.server.main(verbose, vendor, port_name, sequences, storage_path=None, storage_root=None)

Main function running on server.

This function constantly tries to receive data from pyboard. It acts according to the instructions received from the board. Exit this function by pressing CTRL-C.

  • verbose (int) – Verbosity level.
  • vendor (string) – Vendor of the MRI scanner.
  • port_name (string) – Port name.
  • sequences (string) – Path to sequences (can include wildcards).
  • storage_path (string) – String to storage location for delivered sequences.
cosplay.server.process_message(obj, error_msgs)

Add obj to error_msgs if it is an error message.

  • obj (string) – Input message.
  • error_msgs (string) – Already accumulated error messages.

updated error_msgs

Return type:


cosplay.server.save_sequence(obj, storage_path, error_msgs, vendor, verbose=0, storage_root=None)

Save sequence in storage_path.

This function saves a sequence and error messages in two separate files. If storage_path is None, the files are saved in the most recent scan directory (see ‘find_current_scan_dir’).

  • obj (2d matrix) – Sequence.
  • storage_path (string) – Path to directory, where files shall be stored. If it is None, the most recent scan directory is used.
  • error_msgs (string) – String containing error messages. Is stored in same directory as the sequence.
  • vendor (string) – Name of MRI vendor.
  • verbose (int, optional) – If ‘verbose’ is larger than 1, the sequence is printed to the screen. Default is 0.
cosplay.server.send_sequences(sequences_paths, pkt, verbose)

Send sequences to microcontroller.

  • sequences_paths (list) – List of paths (strings) to sequences that are sent.
  • pkt (cosplay.pkt Packet object) – Object that sends the sequences.
  • verbose (int) – If larger than 1, print path to every sequence sent. If larger than 2, print every sequence sent.
cosplay.server.signal_handler_end_program(signal, frame)

cosplay.tsv module


Cast string to float if possible.

This functions casts a string to float if possible and returns the string otherwise.

Parameters:s (string) – Input strings
Returns:Float number of string input s, if possible, s otherwise.
Return type:float or string
cosplay.tsv.dump(matrix, file_obj)

Serialize matrix as a tsv formatted stream to file_obj.

This function converts a matrix into a tsv formatted string and stores it in a file.

  • matrix (2d array) – Input matrix.
  • file_obj (file_obj) – A .write()-supporting file-like object.

Serialize matrix to a tsv formatted string.

Parameters:matrix (2d array) – Input matrix.
Returns:tsv formatted string.
Return type:string

Load BIDS sequence tsv file [BIDS].

This function converts a BIDS sequence tsv file to a matrix.

Parameters:file_obj (file object) – File object of BIDS sequence tsv file [BIDS].
Returns:First line contains names for columns. First columns contains event numbers.
Return type:2d array

Convert tsv formatted string into matrix.

This function converts a ‘Brain Image Data Structure’ [BIDS] sequence tsv string into a matrix.

Parameters:s (string) – String form BIDS sequence tsv file[BIDS].
Returns:First line contains names for columns. First columns contains event numbers.
Return type:2d array
[BIDS]Brain Imaging Data Structure Specification (